We are delighted to announce Feis Mara na Hearadh for 2024 will run from Thursday 11th to Saturday 13th July 2024
The line up starts 'on the water days Thursday 11th at the Tarbert Pontoons; the 2024 HARRIS SEA ANGLING CHAMPIONSHIP, with boats leaving Tarbert Friday 12th July at 1730 and returning 2000 for weigh in and prizes on the quay in Tarbert. If you want to get involved contact Angie John Macleod at Hotel Hebrides on 01859 50 2364.
'On the water days' continues with Sea kayak, Sit on Top canoes and Paddle Board taster sessions from 1300 to 1630 at Tarbert pontoons. If you are interested in a taster session contact Isle of Harris Watersports at email: info@isleofharriswatersports.co.uk
SAILING IN COMPANY from Scalpay North Harbour boats leave 1200. Want to take part? contact us at the Marina.
COASTAL ROWING races from Tarbert with a chance for all comers to have a go in St Ayes Skiff 'Eala Bhan' from 1100 with the races starting at 1300. Courses subject to weather.
RIB CHALLENGE departs Tarbert at 1220 with RIB HANDLING display at 1430 Tarbert pontoons. Places still available for the RIB challenge, contact Kenny at Eilean Glas RIB tours on 07711 828801
Rowing, sailing yachts and RIB events finish at Tarbert from 1400 with prize giving at the IOH Distillery from 1730.
FOR MORE INFORMATION OF FEIS MARA 2024 THEN PLEASE CONTACT US AT THE ISLE OF HARRIS MARINA ON 01859 50 2216, 07485 089 309 or email info@isleofharrismarina.co.uk or info@feisnamara.co.uk